Bearing God’s Fruit In Service

Counting Team

Teams who serve on a rotating basis, Sunday mornings, to count, record and deposit the weekly offering.

Church Closers

Our church is busy, with evening meetings six days a week. Closers commit to closing up the church after the last meeting for a week, every six or eight weeks.

Mowing Team

While the grass is growing, a team of folks take turns mowing and trimming the grounds once a week, on a rotating basis.


Each season, families adopt a flower bed on the church grounds and care and nurture throughout the year.

Newsletter Team

It’s a production party! We get together once a month to stuff, fold, stick and sort about 300 printed newsletters – and mail them out into the world.


Born of the pandemic, the gopher team is at the ready to make home deliveries to people in need. Have a car and a willing heart? You can be a gopher!

Pew Organizers

Tidy and restock the items in the pews each week, and pray for those who sit in the pews and watch online!

Church Committees

In January 2024 we will move to a Simplified Accountable Structure of church governance. Until then, these committees are in place.

Church Council
The executive agency of the church

Fellowship Committee
Coordinates opportunities for joyful gathering

Spiritual direction on the use of funds

Gifts & Memorials
Manages and administers legacy gifts to the church

Missions & Outreach Committee
Helping us be intentional in our determined service

Staff Parish Relations
Liaison between the congregation & staff

Cares for all real property owned by the church.

Lay Member to Annual Conference

Annual Conference Member at Large

President of United Women In Faith

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