Caring Ministries

Congregational Care Team

Pastor Heidi leads this team in making regular visits to those in need of prayer and encouragement. If you would like help make calls to people or visit them in their homes or the hospital, your gift of caring would be a gift well used!

Meal Train

A new baby is born, an accident knocks you off your feet, a surgery is scheduled – sometimes help with a meal is a tremendous gift! Sign up to be part of the team preparing meals for people in need.

Stitch’n’Time – Third Tuesday of the month

This group of talented people who knit and crochet meet monthly to make prayer shawls, prayer blankets, hats, mittens and gloves for people in need. All abilities welcome!

Sewing Group – Second Monday of the month

This new group of crafters came together this summer to start dreaming up ways to serve others through their creative talents. If you are a sewist of any level, you are encouraged to be part of it!

AED/CPR Training – date TBD

Are you prepared to save a life in an emergency? The Brecksville Fire Department will come to Brecksville UMC this fall to conduct a class taught to American Heart Association standards and guidelines. Express your interest by signing up!

Community Blood Drives

October 12 and December 31. Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. This could be a little girl in the ICU or a mother with Stage 3 leukemia. Give blood and save lives! Sign up at

Funeral Reception Team

Support families in their grief by serving as a funeral host/greeter, or by helping set up, serve, or clean up after funeral receptions.

Sunday Morning Hospitality

Sunday morning coffee is the best coffee. Want to help make it happen? Reach out to Jaclyn Torres, our office manager.

Deeds of Mercy

We maintain a fund to assist people in our community who have fallen on hard times. Support this ministry with your donations and prayers.

Wedding Coordinator

Our wedding coordinators offer care and hospitality, serving as the “church host” for wedding ceremonies in our Sanctuary.

Funeral Coordinator

Be part of surrounding grieving families in love. Serve as a funeral coordinator, the person who acts as a church host for services here at church.

Care & Prayer Mail

Every week, we choose a different person to shower with cards and prayers. Find the latest list in our monthly newsletter, “The Good Word.”

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