Ways to serve in worship

Welcome Team

As people arrive at Brecksville UMC, we greet them with joyful hospitality. We pass out bulletins, count attendance, collect prayer cards and the offering, and assist with special needs. Serve once a quarter, once a month or once a week as you’re able.


Add your voice to a worship service as a liturgist, reading prepared passages of scripture and prayers and leading the congregation in responsive readings.

Communion Stewards

Preparation of communion elements is an important role, and one that can be done as a family or with a friend. From cutting and preparing the bread and pouring the juice to washing communion glasses after the service, communion stewards have an important job. Holy communion is celebrated every Sunday at the early service, and on the first Sunday of the month at our later service.


If God has graced you with the gift of music, consider participating in worship with song. Opportunities for vocalists and instrumentalists include choirs, the worship band, and opportunities to share special music during worship services, including Worship in the Woods.

Audio & Visual Technology

If you have an interest in sound or visual production, these are exciting times for you! Come help produce worship services for people in the building and those joining us online. Run the cameras, mix the sound, or operate the worship slides with the team in the balcony. It’s a special way to create space to grow with God!


Bringing the light of Christ into worship is a special way kids in third grade and up can be part of our worship services.

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