Scout Troop 175

Holiday Porch Pot Fundraiser

Scouts from Troop 175 are creating decorative porch pots from a variety of evergreen boughs, pinecones, Christmas decorations, artificial red berries, and other natural cuttings to brighten outdoor spaces all winter long – as a fundraiser for their summer camp fees. Scouts in Troop175 engage in monthly activities including canoe camping, backpacking, a survival weekend, and other educational and leadership activities throughout the academic year.

Participation in scouts creates deep friendships and self-confidence while strengthening personal and community ethics. Porch pots are $50 or $55 with a festive red bow. Pre-order by texting or calling Becky Claridge at 216-870-6254. Becky says, “We will also have pots available without pre-ordering.  Additional pots will be available for purchase at church on Sunday 12/8 and 15.”