Bells Ring on All Saints Sunday, November 3, 2024

The silence of a Sunday morning is interrupted by the tolling of a church bell. The bell rings very slowly and repeatedly, with a moment of silence between each toll. The sound is a reminder to pause and remember.
On All Saints Sunday, United Methodists around the world publicly remember and honor those who have passed away. Celebrated on the first Sunday in November, All Saints Sunday honors the impact each life has on another.
At Brecksville United Methodist Church, prayers are lifted for the departed and we honor and celebrate the impact their lives have had on us. The names of each of the people who have died in the past year are read one by one, and as each name is read, a candle is lit and the church bell is tolled. It is a powerful moment.
United Methodists believe in the “communion of the saints,” which includes not only all living believers, but also all who have gone before us, a “great cloud of witnesses,” which surrounds us and cheers us on.
If you would like to recognize a loved one who died this year, please contact the church office by texting 833- 556-1171, calling 440-526-8938 or emailing