Melanie Smith

  • Memorial Service Hospitality Team

    Surround grieving families with love and care. Volunteer for the memorial service hospitality team.

  • Autumn Art Workshop

    Create a painting of a pumpkin!

  • Acolyte Training 2024

    Five 3rd graders were trained as new acolytes this September, and will join others serving at the 10:30 worship service.  Our church has a long history of acolytes bringing in the Light of Christ at the start of our worship time.  For almost 40 years, our dear Bev Huber, who passed away this spring directed…

  • Job Postings

    Join the ministry team at Brecksville United Methodist Church

  • The Kindness Campaign

    Brecksville United Methodist Church is bringing the Kindness Campaign to our community. What if we choose kindness over conflict?

  • Spiritual Trail Guide

    Fall 2024 The mission of The United Methodist Church is to“make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” At Brecksville United Methodist Church, we live that out by creating safe spaces to grow with God and one another. But what does that mean? How do we put that into action? As our…

  • Recipes Wanted!

    Contribute to Brecksville UMC’s Joyful Gathering Cookbook Brecksville United Methodist Church is creating a beautiful custom cookbook featuring favorite recipes from our members. We’re calling it Joyful Gatherings.  These cookbooks will be professionally published and are sure to be a treasured keepsake for us all. All money raised from the sale of the cookbooks will be used to help close the budget gap. Please submit your favorite recipes so you…

  • Third Grade and Confirmation Bible Sunday

    September 15 at the 10:30 service It is a long standing tradition in the Brecksville United Methodist Church to give a Bible to children entering 3rd grade. Whether you call Brecksville UMC your spiritual home or you just visit us sometimes, we want to warmly welcome you to join us on Sunday, September 15th at…

  • Sunday School for Kids

    Sundays at 9:30 – Sunday Morning at the Movies Each month we will choose a secular movie to watch together over the course of four weeks.  We will take time to have conversations about the lesson the movie teaches and how that aligns with our faith.  We will also focus on God’s creativity in nature…

  • Lifelong Learning for Adults & Teens – Fall 2024

    Lifelong Learning 101 September 15 – September 29 at 9:30 in the ChapelLifelong Learning is one of our Core Values here at Brecksville UMC… the deeply held ideal that we are “unabashedly authentic in our lifelong quest to grow with God and learn with one another”. What exactly does that mean to you as an…