Melanie Smith
Seedlings and Sprouts
Small changes to our Faith Formation options for kids during the 10:30 hour As many of you know our kids are able to join amazing teachers up on the 4th floor after the Children’s Moment each Sunday. Our preschoolers and Kindergarten children meet in Room 402 while our 1st through 6th graders meet in Room…
Developing Earth Friendly Habits In Your Backyard
Brecksville United Women in Faith invite you to a special presentation “Developing Earth Friendly Habits in Your Backyard” on Thursday, February 6, 2025. Speaker Kate Valentine, local author, environmental advocate and founder of NEO LEAP will present on this useful topic at 10 am. Come at 9:30 and enjoy refreshments and conversation. As always, all…
Work as worship = Work-ship! We set aside a Sunday to participate in an act of service as worship, assembling 35,000 meals to be sent around the world to people in need. We partner with Rise Against Hunger for this event, which first began when a church member organized the first Work-ship in the mid…
Pastor Heidi reflects on her star word On the first Sunday of 2025, I chose a star word* out of the basket. It was the only card that was facing up, as if God was saying, “Here, Heidi. This one is for you.” The word was Eunoia and underneath it was written the words (Greek)…
About Communion
What do Methodists believe about Communion? Here’s what you need to know. At Brecksville United Methodist Church, we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion every week at the 8:30 worship service and on the first Sunday of the month at our 10:30 service. We celebrate an open table, meaning that all are welcome to receive…
2025 Guidebook and Directory
Our annual Guide Book & Directory will publish soon! It contains lots of useful information – plus a complete directory of our church family’s contact info. The book is being direct-mailed to each family included in the book at no cost to our church, as it is subsidized by local businesses who advertise. If you…
2025 Leadership Board
As we begin our second year under the Simplified Accountability Structure (SAS) of church governance, we welcome three new Leadership Board Members. The board primarily focuses on setting the overall vision and direction of the church, making strategic decisions, and establishing goals. While making decisions, the board remains accountable to the wider church membership. Board…
Leadership Board’s First Year
December marks the end of my one-year term on the Brecksville UMC Leadership Board. I have served in several leadership positions since coming to BUMC in 2004 and have found through my participation on the Leadership Board that the church has made a wise change in the way that it approaches governance. One of the…
UMCOR Responds to California Wildfires
The fires in California may be far from Brecksville, but the people of California are in our prayers. Let’s put our prayers into action. If you want to help those affected by the wildfires in California, consider a gift to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). With administrative costs supported by United Methodist Churches…
Work-Ship Sunday 2025
We set aside a Sunday February 23 for Work-ship, a morning for acts of service as worship. On Work-ship Sunday, we there will be opportunities for people of ALL abilities to use their time to help others, including a meal packing event. We will spend the morning… What is a meal packaging event all about?…