The Brecksville Chancel Choir, under the direction of Machala Comenscheck-Slike, presents O, Holy Light a Christmas Cantata by Mary McDonald on Sunday, December 22, 2024 at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary.
The anticipation of Christmas may extend for weeks, even months prior to December 25th. We plan, shop, decorate, and for church musicians, rehearse long hours in preparation for the big event. In the busyness of the Christmas season, celebrating advent provides us a time to focus our hearts and minds on Jesus, who offers a purpose in our waiting and longing for the celebration of His birth. The season of Advent causes us to reflect on both who Christ is and why He came to us, while the candles of Advent represent hope, peace, joy, love, and ultimately Christ, himself.

The Cantata will be our only worship service on 12/22/24. Families are encouraged to come early and enjoy our Christmas Extravaganza in Fellowship Hall begining at 9:30. As always, kids are welcome in worship, but we will also have extended sprouts on the 4th floor from 10:30 through the end of the Cantata.
Stop by the Parlor and have your Christmas picture taken before or after the cantata.
This is a wonderful opportunity to invite a friend to church and experience the beauty of the Christmas story in a new way. Hope to see you there!