Do you have a gift for doing physical work? Are you the kind of person who wants to dive in and help when you see a need? Will you seize an opportunity to learn about climate disasters? Can you open your heart and love your neighbor? Do you want to make a difference in the lives of hurricane survivors? This is an opportunity for you! United Methodists from all around Ohio are planning a July trip to North Carolina to help clean up and rebuild after the devastation caused there by Hurricane Helene. Learn how you can be part of this Volunteers In Mission Climate Disaster Relief Trip.

There are many ways to help. Pray, donate relief supplies, give to UMCOR Disaster Relief.
About the trip
From July 15-20, 2025, a Volunteers in Mission (VIM) team originating in West Ohio will be traveling to Western North Carolina on a Climate Justice Journey. The six-day journey will include two travel days, three days of disaster response work, and one day of eco-immersion.
Here are some details:
- The trip is open to all skill levels; work site volunteers must be at least 14 years old.
- Total cost for the week is $400 per person or $1000 per family, including shared accommodations and most meals. Accommodations are most likely at Lake Junaluska Retreat Center. We will be requesting a block of shared apartment-type rooms (3-5 people). Singles are available at an additional cost.
- We will be traveling with a group from West Ohio and Maize Manor United Methodist Church.
- Carpooling is encouraged and will be coordinated among those registered.
- We will have a group of âcooksâ who are in charge of the meals, which will take into account dietary restrictions. We will likely be using a local church kitchen and fellowship hall near Lake Junaluska.
- A non-refundable deposit of $100 is due at registration; the remainder must be paid in full by May 18.
- You will be required to attend at least two Zoom meetings prior to the mission journey.
- Deadline to register is January 31.
Possible types of work include:
- Debris clean up
- Mucking out basements
- Tearing out drywall
- Putting in drywall
- Repairing decks/stairs
- Painting
- Yard work
*NOTE: This mission journey will be filmed, so everyone will be required to sign a filming release form. Additional forms (general liability, media, medical, etc.) will also be required. Please scroll down to learn more about the documentary work!
Please share this information with others who may be interested!
Deadline to register is January 31, 2025.
Kathy & Matt Auble and George & Jenny Gee have committed to going! If you register, please let us know that you’re planning to go.
Climate Disaster Documentaries
Grace Pictures, LLC, in coordination with the West Ohio Conference, has filmed four documentaries about the intersection of disaster response and climate change in four different locations: Detroit, MI (flooding); Puerto Rico (hurricanes); Northern California (wildfires); and Arizona (drought/heat). Three of the four documentary films are now complete, along with shorter videos highlighting the work of specific ministries and churches in caring for Godâs creation.
The Detroit documentary is accompanied by a 4-week Bible study, along with other materials; Bible studies are in the works for Puerto Rico and Northern California. Arizona, should be completed and available by spring of 2025. In January-February-March of 2024, East and West Ohio conferences partnered to provide a three-part virtual documentary film series, which was attended by about 50 people each time, and included opportunities for discussion, questions, and small group conversation. The documentary film resources can be found online here: