January 5, 2025 is Epiphany Sunday. Too often, we’ve been told that a successful life is a linear one. But in reality, our lives unfold with many unexpected twists and turns. The Magi follow a star, embarking on a long journey in a foreign land in order to honor the newborn Christ. Instead of returning to Herod as commanded, they trust their dreams and go home by another way. Their road isn’t straight, but God “makes a way in the wilderness” (Isaiah 43:19) as they follow their intuition and diverge from the expected path.

Star Words
We will celebrate Holy Communion at both services this Sunday and we will have the opportunity to receive a “Star Word” to use that word as a guiding word throughout the year. Why do we utilize this ancient prayer practice?
- The Magi followed a star, which ultimately led them to Jesus. We can use all the resources we have available to us—including creative prayer practices and intention words for the new year—to move closer to Jesus.
- We trust that God uses multiple ways to guide us and speak to us. Star words offer a tool to actively seek and reflect on God’s presence among us, both in the moment and in hindsight.
- We recognize that it can be easy to miss God in our daily lives. Having an intention word to consider – in present days and to reflect on at the end of the year – may help us see God in ways we may not have seen God before. This is the greatest gift.
- We know that the most common prayer practice involves speaking to God (as opposed to silence or contemplation.) Star words invite a new prayer rhythm of reflection and review that can be a powerful new way to connect with God.
- By not looking at or sorting through the star words at their selection, we practice the spiritual task of receiving. It is not we who are in control in this moment. We trust that God is present, and we let go of our desire to cultivate or control.
Can’t be with us in person?
Use the Star Word Generator below to find your star word for 2025.