Take some Christmas gifts home with you after church on Sunday, December 8!
Are you looking for Christmas gifts that delight AND help support a local cause? We have options for you! Pick up a handmade gift, a freshly published cookbook, or a beautiful porch pot Sunday morning between 9:30 and Noon. (Porch Pots will be located in the coat room on the first floor — making it easier to get to your car!)
Homemade Gifts from Sew4Good
Our sewing group formed last year with the goal of using material arts to spread kindness throughout our communities. They have been busy working on projects for Cancer Treatment Patients, Parma Hospital, Tranquility of Copley Nursing Home, Western Reserve Area on Aging, WomanKind Community Baby Shower, High School Students in Need, Occupational Therapy Patients, those experiencing homelessness, and elderly relatives and friends. On Sunday, they’ll have handmade items for sale to raise money for materials to continue to do good in 2025.

Brecksville UMC’s Joyful Gathering Cookbook
The wait is over! Our 2024 Joyful Gathering Cookbook has arrived. Filled with over 300 recipes from 150 cooks, this cookbook is sure to be a cherished and treasured addition for any kitchen. The Alternative Revenue Team is even providing gift wrapping — and has put together a cute host/ess gift bag, perfect for those holiday get togethers this month! Your purchase will help offset the church’s 2024 budget deficit and support our mission of creating safe space to grow with God and one another into the future.

Boy Scout Troop 175 Holiday Porch Pot Sale
The Scouts have been busy collecting evergreens and decorations to create lovely holiday porch pots to help create a festive welcome by your front door. Scouts from Troop 175 are creating decorative porch pots from a variety of evergreen boughs, pinecones, Christmas decorations, artificial red berries, and other natural cuttings to brighten outdoor spaces all winter long – as a fundraiser for their summer camp fees. Scouts in Troop175 engage in monthly activities including canoe camping, backpacking, a survival weekend, and other educational and leadership activities throughout the academic year. Participation in scouts creates deep friendships and self-confidence while strengthening personal and community ethics. Porch pots are $50 or $55 with a festive red bow. Pre-order by texting or calling Becky Claridge at 216-870-6254. We will also have pots available without pre-ordering. Additional pots will be available for purchase at church on Sunday 12/8 and 15.