Holy Week and Easter 2025

Holy Week is time of Christian observances leading to Easter Sunday. It begins with Palm Sunday and progresses through Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. It culminates with the Easter Sunday celebrations.

This Lenten season, we invite you to walk with us through the in-between spaces—the waiting, the wondering, the wrestling, and the hope. Together, we will encounter the sacred in the thresholds of our faith, trusting that God meets us in every moment, from dust to resurrection.

Join us for these special services in 2025.

Palm Sunday

Sunday, April 13, 2025: Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem was accented by the jubilant waving of palm branches and is re-enacted at our 10:30 Service Palm Sunday. Unfortunately, for the communities where these palms are harvested, palm fronds do not always represent the same jubilation they do for us. That’s why we support economic and social justice through the purchase of Eco Palms. Learn more at EcoPalms.org

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, April 17, 2025: On Maundy Thursday, we will share in a light meal and conversation in Fellowship Hall as we remember the Last Supper. Through scripture, prayer and the celebration of Holy Communion, we will remind ourselves of God’s unwavering presence in any “in between” we may face. If you can’t join us in person, set aside time to join us for a special “online only” worship experience streaming at 7 pm – and available anytime after that.

Good Friday

Friday, April 18, 2025: Good Friday marks Jesus’ journey to the cross. This year, we will gather in the sanctuary to hear the voice of Simon of Cyrene through imaginative monologues that invite us to embody our grief. Then, we will follow Jesus’ body to the tomb, where hopelessness intertwines with hope. This service will be streamed live. If you can’t join us in person, worship on line through our website, Boxcast, YouTube or Facebook.

Easter Sunday

Sunday, April 20, 2025:

7 am Sunrise Service on the Front Lawn

9 am Traditional Easter Service with the Resurrection Brass Please note corrected time

10:30 am Easter Service with the Worship Band

Holy Week Daily Devotionals