Lifelong Learning for Adults & Teens – Fall 2024

Lifelong Learning 101

September 15 – September 29 at 9:30 in the Chapel
Lifelong Learning is one of our Core Values here at Brecksville UMC… the deeply held ideal that we are “unabashedly authentic in our lifelong quest to grow with God and learn with one another”. What exactly does that mean to you as an individual? Spend three weeks with your church friends to dig into your own personal pathway that is leading you toward a deeper and richer relationship with God.

Basic Beliefs

September 15 through October 20 at 9:30 – Room 303

300 years ago, John Wesley, a founder of Methodism, challenged Christians to live out their faith in word and deed. How does the challenge to “live like Jesus” apply to us today? What does it mean to be United Methodist? Come ask questions and explore the answers together – with Pastor Heidi. This is the first series of classes in our annual membership classes, and is open to all who wish to learn. You may have attended one worship service here, or you may already be a member who has attended hundreds. All are welcome to come join the conversation.

Let’s Talk – Podcasts

Beginning September 15 at 9:30 – Wiggle Room Annex

Do you enjoy listening to podcasts?  Do you have a favorite?  Are you looking for something to expand your thinking while you drive to or from work?  Even if you aren’t sure what a podcast is, but you enjoy having meaningful conversations with your faith friends, this class is definitely for you!  Join Don & Cathy Krolikowski and Max & Matt Gabor as they open up dialog about some awesome and relevant podcasts that you can access for free throughout the week.  The weekly podcast suggestion will even coincide with Pastor Heidi’s sermons!!  Once you listen, come join the discussion Sunday morning. We will be meeting in the Wiggle Room Annex (the room just off the landing by the elevator on the second floor.)

After Party: Toward Better Christian Politics

October 6 to November 10

Christians have lost their way when it comes to the intersection of faith & politics. It’s time to reframe our political identity as we take the lead in healing what’s broken. Jesus’ call is clear: We are to be salt and light in this world.  Join Jim Slagle and friends for this incredibly important study.  Through short videos, individual reflections, and small group discussion we will explore:

How to relate to others, particularly those I might disagree with, so that I better reflect Jesus.

How we can engage in politics in a way that fosters unity, preserves relationships, and glorifies God. 

Pastor’s Online Bible Study

Join us on a new day… now on MONDAYS at 7:00 via Zoom

September 16 to October 21 

“Short Stories by Jesus” by Amy-Jill Levine.  Jesus knew how to tell a story. He knew that in order to get his message across he needed to relate to the people who gathered to listen—first century Jews—who lived in a very different world than the one in which we live today. In this study, author Amy-Jill Levine takes you back in time and explains how original audiences understood Jesus’ parables. You’ll learn how new interpretations of the parables continue to challenge and provoke contemporary readers two thousand years later. 

Discipleship Pathways with Jenny Gee

Sunday mornings at 9:30 starting October 6

Schedule a time to meet with Jenny one-on-one to talk about where you feel the Spirit leading you as you take that next step in your faith journey.  

Asbury Bremeth Circle – a Study Group for Women

Meets the Second Thursday of each month starting September 12, 2024

Everyone is welcome, meet in the Parlor and bring your own coffee or tea. This year’s study (September through December) is The Angels of Christmas: Hearing God’s Voice in Advent. Join us as we explore the four angelic visits surrounding the birth of Jesus with Zechariah, Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. Angels of Christmas uses these four angelic appearances to discuss God’s presence in history and our lives today. Fellowship starts at 9:30 – conversation around our study begins at 10 am