Our own Janet Kleckner is part of a five member United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) team traveling to Camphor Mission Station, part of the Liberia Annual Conference in West Africa in July 2024.
Almighty God, whose love for the whole family of humankind has been made known to us through your Son, send thy blessing upon these your servants soon to go forth on this mission assignment. Grant that they be guided and strengthened for their task; that they be open to new truths and insights from their hosts, and that they be given good health and traveling mercies; to the end that your name be glorified in all the earth, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The team, made up of four women and one man, will offer a two week Vacation Bible School program and an academic enrichment program. Janet said, “We anticipate approximately 200 students will participate – far more than our team of 5 can serve, so we have recruited 17 Liberian assistants, who will be housed, fed and paid with team funds. In addition, breakfast and dinner will be provided to all program participants. The usual cooking staff of the Mission will be paid to prepare those meals. This will be a hard working hands on experience, and we hope it also will be a lot of fun for the team and all participants. We appreciate the financial support offered by this and other congregations, and welcome their prayer support throughout our journey. We leave July 20 and return home August 5.”
Janet will send us updates as she is able. Check back here in the coming weeks!