Nourished in Groups
Tending to lifelong learning
Brecksville United Methodist Church
Adult Faith Formation Groups
Am I engaged in exploring my faith with others? Am I actively seeking to grow my personal relationship with God? Am I reflecting my spiritual growth in my daily life?
Lectio Divina Mondays at 10:30 am & Tuesdays at 7 pm in the Chapel
A time of slow, meditative reading of a scripture passage. There is no homework. Drop in anytime. The Chapel is on the main floor of the church – on the east end. Walk past the water fountain and you’re almost there.
Neighboring in The Movies
Sundays at 9:30 in the Chapel, Five weeks – September 17 through October 15
“A Man Called Otto” is a movie about neighborliness – not just caring for those around us, but allowing them to care for us as well. Join us as we watch the movie and discuss what we experience. FYI: The movie includes some strong language and attempts at suicide.
Dynamite Prayer – a 28 Day Experiment
Sundays at 9:30 in the Chapel, Five weeks – starting October 22
What might happen if, for 28 days, we adopt a daily practice of simple, heartfelt collective prayer asking for God’s new possibilities?
Pastor’s Midweek Bible Study
Wednesdays at 7 pm – online
Join Pastor Heidi and friends as we take a deep dive into the Gospel of John. We dig into the history of the text, the culture in which it was written, what it teaches us about God and faith, and wrestle with our questions together. “Bible novices” to “bible nerds” are welcome!
Podcast Class
Sundays at 9:30 beginning September 17
Podcasts can educate, entertain, and enrich our thinking. Join this class as we listen to a selected podcast during the week, then come together for group discussion about it on Sunday morning. What can we learn for our faith journey?
Membership Classes
You may be new to the church, a long time member, or somewhere in between – the Membership Journey classes are an opportunity to explore what it means to be United Methodist and what is means to be a part of this local church. The Membership Journey classes are offered once or twice a year, allowing you to make your way through them at your own pace. If you feel led to begin the membership journey with our church, contact Pastor Heidi to start the conversation.
Brecksville United Women in Faith
The First Thursday of the Month in the Parlor Driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood, we work to improve the lives of women, children and youth. Get connected with one of our circles! Email
Asbury Bremeth Circle – Christianity and World Religions
Second Thursday of the Month at 9:30 am in the Parlor
Last year we learned about various Christian denominations, what they believe and what we can learn from them. This year we expand our view and look at various world religions. All are welcome to learn together and share insights. Bring a friend!
Evening Circle
Usually The Second Tuesday of the Month at 6:30 pm
This service-oriented group of women meets in September, October, November, January, March and May for hands-on projects. We’d love for you to be part of it and are always open to new ideas and activities!