Help prepare and serve a neighborhood meal at the Pearl Road Dinner. We are responsible for three to four dinners annually.

We team up with the Ridge Road UCC to serve a meal, tableside, for members of the community who typically walk to the meal at Pearl Road UMC. One church takes care of the entree, and the other brings dessert and salad. The meal begins with a devotion, then dinner is served. The whole event is very well organized and efficient!
How can you help?
This is a great opportunity for all generations to serve, and there are opportunities to help together or alone! You can volunteer for a few hours at home, at the church, in Parma or at the grocery store. Here are some of the ways you can help:
1. Volunteer to plan the menu.
2. Shop for ingredients.
3. Help prepare the meal in our kitchen.
4. Be on the serving team at Pearl Road.
A few years ago, Melanie Smith interviewed Leslie Miller about her experience serving at Pearl Road. Watch this short video to hear what serving at Pearl Road is like!