Sunday mornings at 9:30 in room 301 — or join us online! Each week, we listen to a podcast related to our sermon series, then get together to talk about it on Sunday morning. If you like podcasts, or you just like talking about ideas with others, we invite you to join us! To receive weekly updates by email, sign up here.

Sunday, March 9
We will be listening to the ‘A Bit Of Optimism’ podcast with Simon Sinek. This episode is called “What can we learn from a rural school in Kenya? with principal Carol Moraa“. In this episode Simon talks to Carol Moraa the founding principal of Kisaruni Girls High School and Provost for Legacy College. Carol talks about where her kids find the motivation to willingly sign up for 18-hour school days. It turns out when learning is a choice, not an obligation, it’s possible to build schools where cultural values and community are at the heart of what people do. Listen via the available links below at some point throughout the week and then on Sunday at BUMC come to our Let’s Talk Podcasts class where we just casually chat about our insights to the podcast. We look forward to seeing you!
Check out our bookshelf for the podcast class on BUMC’s Bookshop (anything purchased here supports our church)
Our bookshelf with all podcast books:
We hope to see you for class discussion. Our let’s talk Podcast class is located in room 301 starting at 9:30am, grab your coffee and let’s talk podcasts!
*If you are unable to attend feel free to access podcasts and enjoy with us.
Thank you,
Gabor’s and Krolikowski’s
Sunday, March 2
We are back this week! This Sunday 3/2 for our podcast we will be listening to the The Happiness Lab, we have listened to this podcaster before and they have been very thought provoking in the past. This episode is called “How to make a difference“. In this episode Dr. Laurie Santos and Dr. Jamil Zaki meet people who have tried to make a difference in their communities – often against great odds – and have found the process made them happier and more hopeful. Be sure to also check out the short bonus content which is an 8 min TED Talk. Listen via the available links below at some point throughout the week and then on Sunday at BUMC come to our Let’s Talk Podcasts class where we just casually chat about our insights to the podcast. We look forward to seeing you!
BONUS CONTENT: TED Talk (8min) – this is really great!
Check out the book in the podcast on BUMC’s Bookshop (anything purchased here supports our church)
Our bookshelf with all podcast books:
Book in this podcast:
ebook link:
We hope to see you for class discussion. Our let’s talk Podcast class is located in room 301 starting at 9:30am, grab your coffee and let’s talk podcasts!
*If you are unable to attend feel free to access podcasts and enjoy with us.
Thank you,
Gabor’s and Krolikowski’s
Podcast Leaders
Sunday February 16
This week, will be listening to the ‘The Oprah Podcast.’ We are familiar with her Super Soul Sunday podcasts – this new podcast launched a few months ago. The episode is called “Healing Your Childhood Trauma“. In this episode Dr. Perry discusses why asking simple questions is so important to understanding one’s story and behavior. He also gives scientific and practical guidance on why certain traumas can have lasting impacts on our lives and how little moments of hope make all the difference. This podcast is a great follow up to last few week’s podcasts where we spoke on religious trauma and how to believe in God when the world sucks. Now we can get into some chat on healing trauma. Listen at some point throughout the week and then join us Sunday at BUMC where we just casually chat about our insights to the podcast. We look forward to seeing you!
Interested in the book mentioned in the podcast? It’s available on BUMC’s Bookshop (anything purchased here supports our church)
We hope to see you for class discussion. Our let’s talk Podcast class is located in room 301 starting at 9:30am, grab your coffee and let’s talk podcasts!
*If you are unable to attend feel free to access podcasts and enjoy with us.
Thank you, Gabor’s and Krolikowski’s Podcast Leaders
Sunday, February 9
This Sunday 2/9 for our podcast will be listening to a new podcast called ‘Millennial Mental Health Channel’ and their episode called “Religion Associated Trauma”. In this episode the hosts welcome a LPC, Lindsay Simineo. She talks about how although religion is a positive thing, it can lead to shame and traumatic events that can negatively impact mental health. This podcast is a great follow up to last week’s podcast where it spoke very briefly on how to talk to people about God when they have been harmed by a church before. Listen via the available links below at some point throughout the week and then on Sunday at BUMC come to our Let’s Talk Podcasts class where we just casually chat about our insights to the podcast. We look forward to seeing you!
Link to Spotify:
BONUS Article – How to Support a Friend Who Has Been Hurt by the Church
We hope to see you for class discussion. Our let’s talk Podcast class is located in room 301 starting at 9:30am, grab your coffee and let’s talk podcasts!
*If you are unable to attend feel free to access podcasts and enjoy with us.
Sunday, February 2
This Sunday 2/2 for our podcast will be listening to ‘Better Human’ and their episode called “How to believe in God even when the world sucks”. In this episode Nadia Bolz-Weber, a former stand-up comic, and now an ordained Lutheran Pastor joins Chris to discuss her journey with religion, leadership, and community. They explore questions around the definition of faith, whether spirituality is innate to us, and the beauty of low expectations. Listen via the available links below at some point throughout the week and then on Sunday at BUMC come to our Let’s Talk Podcasts class where we just casually chat about our insights to the podcast. We look forward to seeing you!
Link to Apple Podcasts (Length: 40min)
We hope to see you for class discussion. Our let’s talk Podcast class is located in room 301 starting at 9:30am, grab your coffee and let’s talk podcasts!
*If you are unable to attend feel free to access podcasts and enjoy with us.
Thank you,
Gabor’s and Krolikowski’s
Podcast Leaders
Sunday, January 26
This Sunday 1/26 for our podcast will be listening to Hidden Brain and their episode called “You 2.0: The Gift of Other People”. In this episode they interview psychologist Nicholas Epley about our interactions with other people. Are you someone who strikes up a conversation with the person next to you on the train? Or do you keep your eyes fixed on your phone? Do you offer gratitude to friends and family? Listen via the available links below at some point throughout the week and then on Sunday at BUMC come to our Let’s Talk Podcasts class where we just casually chat about our insights to the podcast. We look forward to seeing you!
Link to Apple Podcasts: (Length: 51min)
Hidden Brain website: (full video and transcript here):
We hope to see you for class discussion. Our let’s talk Podcast class is located in room 301 starting at 9:30am, grab your coffee and let’s talk podcasts!
*If you are unable to attend feel free to access podcasts and enjoy with us.
Thank you,
Gabor’s and Krolikowski’s
Podcast Leaders
Sunday, January 19, 2025
This Sunday 1/19 for our podcast will be listening to Mel Robbins and her episode called “How to Achieve Any Goal You Have in 6 Simple Steps”. In this episode she explains how there are 6 simple steps that Mel has used over and over in her life to accomplish goals big and small, and she’s sharing her framework with you today. Listen via the available links below at some point throughout the week and then on Sunday at BUMC come to our Let’s Talk Podcasts class where we just casually chat about our insights to the podcast. We look forward to seeing you!
Link to Apple Podcasts: (Length: 1H, 8M)
Link to YouTube (full video and transcript here):
We hope to see you for class discussion. Our let’s talk Podcast class is located in room 301 starting at 9:30am, grab your coffee and let’s talk podcasts!
*If you are unable to attend feel free to access podcasts and enjoy with us.
Thank you,
Gabor’s and Krolikowski’s
Podcast Leaders
Sunday, December 15, 2024
This week at BUMC it is the third week of Advent. Pastor Heidi’s sermon this week is on Luke 3:7-16 called Do the Good That Is Yours To Do speaking to how we are called to live with generosity and doing the right things. The podcast we will be listening to this week is from The Good Life Project called “The Power of Contagious Generosity”. Listen via the link below at some point throughout the week and we look forward to discussing this Sunday.
- Good Life Project Website Link (Length 58:59): How To Spark a Contagious Generosity Movement with Chris Anderson
- Link to Apple Podcasts
- The book discussed in this podcast, available from our BUMC Bookshop Store
We hope to see you for class discussion. Our let’s talk Podcast class is located in room 301 starting at 9:30am, grab your coffee and let’s talk podcasts! **This week will be the last week for class before we take a few weeks break. We will resume in the new year when the new season of classes picks up on January 12.
*If you are unable to attend feel free to access podcasts and enjoy with us.
Thank you,
Gabor’s and Krolikowski’s
Podcast Leaders
Sunday, December 8, 2024
This week at BUMC it is the second week of Advent. Pastor Heidi’s sermon this week is on Matthew 1:18-25 called Hope is Worth the risk where Joseph accepts Jesus as his son.
The podcast we will be listening to this week is from Hidden Brain called “A Secret Source of Connection”. Listen via the link below at some point throughout the week and we look forward to discussing this Sunday.
Hidden Brain Website Link below: (Length 52:53)
Link to Apple Podcasts:
We hope to see you for class discussion. Our let’s talk Podcast class is located in room 301 starting at 9:30 am, grab your coffee and let’s talk podcasts!
*If you are unable to attend feel free to access podcasts and enjoy with us.
Thank you,
Gabor’s and Krolikowski’s
Podcast Leaders