Contribute to Brecksville UMC’s Joyful Gathering Cookbook
Brecksville United Methodist Church is creating a beautiful custom cookbook featuring favorite recipes from our members. We’re calling it Joyful Gatherings.
These cookbooks will be professionally published and are sure to be a treasured keepsake for us all. All money raised from the sale of the cookbooks will be used to help close the budget gap.
Please submit your favorite recipes so you can be represented in our cookbook. Many recipes from all members will ensure that our cookbook is a success. We are using Morris Press Cookbook’s website to easily submit recipes online. Submit one recipe or more. (If we get too many recipes, we may limit submissions to five.)
If you are not comfortable inputting your recipe, our committee can enter them for you. Recipe submission forms are available in the office.
Please submit your recipes online by Sunday October 6, 2024 so we can meet our deadline.
If you are a business owner, we are also offering the opportunity to sponsor the cookbooks with affordable advertising. Your support will help offset the cost of printing. Please reply to this email contact us if you would like to learn more. Thank you!
To Submit Recipes Online:
Go to and click ‘Login.’ (Look for the button at the top right corner of the page.)
Enter the User Name: BrecksvilleUMC
Enter the password: (eggs941) and click ‘Submit.’
Enter your name and click ‘Continue.’
Click ‘Add Recipes’ to begin adding your recipes.
Recipe Writing Tips:
- When adding recipes, review these “Tips” and use standard abbreviations.
- Only enter 1 ingredient per ingredient line.
- List ingredients in order of use in the ingredients list and directions.
- Include container sizes, e.g., (16-oz.) pkg., (24-oz.) can.
- Write directions in paragraph form, not in steps.
- Use names of ingredients in the directions, e.g., “Combine flour and sugar.” DO NOT use statements like, “Combine first three ingredients.”
- Include temperatures and cooking, chilling, baking, and/or freezing times.
- Additional comments about the recipe (history, nutritional data, suggested uses, etc.) should be included in the “Recipe Note” field, not in the cooking instructions.
Thank you for being part of this fun community project! We can’t wait to get cooking! More details coming soon about how to purchase copies.
This cookbook is a project of the Alternative Revenue Team. All proceeds raised will help close the church’s budget gap and help Brecksville United Methodist Church continue to be a safe space for the community to gather – for worship, weddings, funerals, classes, recovery groups meetings, pre-school, recitals, music lessons, exercise and more!