Send Kids2Camp

What’s your super power? You can send Kids2Camp!

Corner65 is a youth program of Re:Source Cleveland, which empowers resettled families to grow roots, supporting them in becoming engaged, self-sufficient and contributing members of their new communities.

This summer, 14 newcomer youth in Cleveland will have the incredible opportunity to attend East Ohio UMC Camps. A week of outdoor adventure, personal growth, and faith building can lead to memories that last a lifetime. These students have come to Cleveland from around the world—and many have never experienced summer camp. With your help, they can have the opportunity to explore nature, build friendships, and gain confidence in a fun and supportive environment.

Last year, we sent 12 girls to camp. They came back energized, full of stories, and calling it the best week of their lives. This year, Re:Source Cleveland is expanding the opportunity. We can help more students in their youth program, Corner65, experience the joy of camp. What will they do all week? Learn new skills, play sports, swim, hike, and simply get to be kids.

A week at camp costs $600 per camper which covers lodging, meals, activities, and transportation. By sponsoring a camper, you’re not just funding a week of fun—you’re giving a newcomer student the chance to feel welcome, build confidence, and create lifelong memories.

Join me and your friends from church in making this dream a reality for these kids! Mark your gift “Kid2Camp” or give now by texting “Kids2Camp” to 73256. Thank you! – Rev. Kathy Dickriede