
Sew4Good is a group of crafters who work together on projects that bring joy or comfort to folks in need. We are always welcoming anyone who wants to help. Experienced sewists, newbies, those who want to learn and those who just want to lend a hand by cutting or ironing or the like — all are welcome here! The group typically meets monthly, on the third Tuesday to Sew4Good. Check back to this page often to learn about the latest projects and opportunities to help.

Tuesday, February 18

This month, we are making gift bags which will be filled with treats and delivered to folks who can’t get out and about like they used to (those in nursing homes, elderly living alone, folks recovering from surgery and the like.) Drop in to room 303 (on the third floor of the church) as you’re able between the hours of 5 and 8 pm.

Other ways you can help: we’re always interested in fabric donations. We would also welcome donated sewing machines that we could leave at church, so we don’t have to bring machines to each meeting.

If you would like to learn more, please message us!