Spiritual Trail Guide

Fall 2024

The mission of The United Methodist Church is to“make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”

At Brecksville United Methodist Church, we live that out by creating safe spaces to grow with God and one another. But what does that mean? How do we put that into action? As our leadership Board prayed about this, we realized that we needed to start with the basics.

Or current #1 Long-term goal is to develop a discipleship pathway and help 50 people take their next step in discipleship.

What is a Spiritual Trail Guide?

So our church staff set to work—how do we create a “discipleship pathway” to describe a spiritual journey that’s not a journey? There’s not always a clear starting point and it certainly has no end this side of heaven! And it looks different for each of us. Sometimes we may climb a spiritual mountaintop. At other times, we find ourselves in the valley.

It’s not a pathway. It’s not a road map. What is it?

Being so close to the Cuyahoga National Park and it’s wonderful trails, the imagery of a trail guide quickly came to mind. Sometimes, you need a beginner trail, other times you’re looking for a challenge. Sometimes you have a clear plan, and sometimes you just need to wander with God.

And it’s always about the journey — who you travel with and what you encounter along the way — and not the destination.

So here you have it: Brecksville UMC’s Spiritual Trail Guide. In this guide, you will find all the ways that you can grow with God, grow with others, and grow yourself. Each are integral parts to our spiritual journeys!

The Spiritual Trail Guide is for Everyone

No matter where you find yourself on your faith journey, there is something here for you! I pray that as you read through this Guide, God will nudge you to grow in some way—whether that’s by trying out a new class or using your gifts to volunteer in some way! Use the next page as a place to take notes about where God is calling you to grow, and how Brecksville United Methodist Church can help you with that. Questions? Just ask!

Grateful to be walking alongside you,

Pastor Heidi

Rev. Heidi Welch, Senior Pastor

The Fall 2024 Spiritual Trail Guide

Spiritual Trail Guide Cover Image

Download a copy of the Spiritual Trail Guide here, pick up a copy at church or request one by mail by contacting the office: 440-526-8938