On Ephipany Sunday, the day that we remember the star that led the magi (you might know them as the wise men) to Jesus, we begin a prayer practice using Star Words. We choose a word at random and use the word as a guiding star for the year. How do we do that? This page will be updated with Star Word Practices and Star Word Reflections over the coming weeks. Follow it for weekly ideas and suggestions.
Still need a star word? Stop by the church office to pull one from the basket, or click the button below.

February 2
Star Word Practice • Reflect on scripture. Google “Bible verses about (insert your Star Word here.)” What verses speak to you? Try to find a mix of Old and New Testament verses. Listen for scripture in church or in your own devotional times and if something calls your Star Word to mind, write it down. Star Word Reflection – Playfulness
January 26
Star Word Check In: How does your star word make sense in your current place in your life? If it doesn’t, why is that? Read this star word reflection from Pastor Heidi –EUNOIA
January 19
Star Word Check In: Where is your star word displayed? (Is it starting to fade into the background already? It may be time to move it!) A star word reflection – CURIOSITY
Do you have a reflection to share? A practice that has worked for you? We would love to hear from you!