Summer Sprouts

Faith, Fun and Learning for kids from pre-school to sixth grade

The focus of Summer Sprouts is on God’s remarkable creativity in nature. We encourage the children to use their skills of observation and listening to see and hear as much of the natural world as they can right around the church grounds. Children are mesmerized by the variety of blooming flowers, the stumbling and bumbling of bees heavy with pollen and the many, many different bird songs and calls we hear as we sit silently for a few moments. It is a true gift to allow ourselves to be immersed in nature and look to God as the good and generous creator of it all. This year there might even be a walking field trip or two! We gather the children for Summer Sprouts right after the children’s moment during the 10:30 Worship Service. Come collect your child on the church lawn after the service has ended. If the weather is poor we will hold Sprouts on the 4th floor as we do throughout the school year.

Want to learn more? Email Jenny at