Third Grade and Confirmation Bible Sunday

September 15 at the 10:30 service

It is a long standing tradition in the Brecksville United Methodist Church to give a Bible to children entering 3rd grade. Whether you call Brecksville UMC your spiritual home or you just visit us sometimes, we want to warmly welcome you to join us on Sunday, September 15th at the 10:30 service. The Bible will be inscribed with your child’s name and be presented to them as we pray over them. There is no fee, no strings attached… we just want your children to know the stories of Jesus’ transforming love and to know that they are deeply and undeniably loved by God. If you would like to have your child receive a Bible and you are able to join us on September 15th please click the link below. Be sure to include your child’s name and how you let me want it to appear in the front of their Bible.