Trials For Hope delivers hope and comfort to those experiencing homelessness, seniors who can’t get out and about, and others living in poverty or experiencing food insecurity in greater Cleveland. Our Trials for Hope Work Days are an opportunity for hands on service, showing God’s love for others in a practical way.
Team Lead : Matt and Kathy Auble

Spend a Saturday Morning Helping Others!
We serve one Saturday morning – every other month – at Trails for Hope, located at 4321 Bridge Avenue in Cleveland.
Dates for 2025:
- Saturday, January 18 – 9:30 to Noon
- Saturday, March 15 – 9:30 to Noon
- May TBD – 9:30 to Noon
- July TBD
- September TBD
- November TBD
Trials For Hope Background Story
Jonathan Gray is the CEO and founder of Trials for Hope, a small nonprofit group located at 41st and Bridge in the basement of Harbor & Bridge Community Center. The goal of this program is to deliver dignity and hope to those on the near west side of Cleveland who have fallen between the cracks. This dignity and hope comes in the form of wholesome meals as well as personal care items.
Volunteers Needed from Brecksville UMC!
On the third or fourth Saturday of every other month, a team of volunteers will meet at Brecksville UMC by 9:30 am to caravan down to Trials for Hope. There are many opportunities to serve at Trials for Hope. Upon arrival, Jonathan will share his needs and our volunteers join in where they feel they can best use their talents and gifts.
Volunteer Opportunities Include:
- Preparing dignity kits (Hygiene kits) and food bags to deliver to the un-homed camps. This work is light duty involving assembly line work. The volunteer will take a zippy bag/grocery bag and walk through and drop items into the bag.
- Delivering food bags to shut – ins. This activity takes the volunteers off the Trials for Hope Campus as they will drive to the apartments north of the shore way by the Flats to personally deliver the food bags to those who are unable to leave their homes. This opportunity to serve involves walking and carrying the bags to the doors. We delivered to about 20 families….steps involved.
- Food / supply pick-up or delivery. This service would require a driver to travel to a location to pick up or drop off items.
Volunteers will work until 11:30 and then caravan back to BUMC by Noon.
You can choose to drive separately if you don’t want to carpool!