Our current Sunday Worship Series, Uncommon Wisdom, focuses on the book of Proverbs, one of the books of the Bible known as Wisdom Literature. These scriptures focus on the practical choices we make in life and the consequences that flow from these choices. These writings teach us the enormous value of ordinary life and underscore for us that our with-God life develops first and foremost in the middle of everyday tasks and everyday relationships – in our families, in our work, and in our play. Which is so important to remember, because…
…on September 8, we will begin a new series called The Kindness Campaign: Do Unto Others. This series is inspired by a grassroots movement launched by Resurrection, a United Methodist Church in Kansas, to encourage people to be intentional about treating one another with kindness, even those with whom we disagree.
During an election year when we see polarization dividing our country and communities, this simple message of the Golden Rule – “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” – holds the power to bring people together.
As part of this campaign, we will have some tools to help you share the message with friends and neighbors, including yard signs, stickers and t-shirts. To have the t-shirts by September 8, our Fall Kick Off Celebration, we need to order them by August 18! Want one? Order here!
Not only is your t-shirt sharing this message of kindness, it also supports the mission of GOEX, a fair trade apparel company providing fair wage jobs in Haiti and the US. Order your t-shirt, which has our church information across the back, by 8/18. Cost is $20 per shirt. Want a paper order form? Pick up a copy of the August Good Word newsletter. Prefer to order the in person? Stop by the office!