Valentines for Kids

When 8 year old Austin Pribble saw an organization at the Steelyard Commons Wal-mart collecting for gifts for children in the hospital, he was inspired. “Our church could do that!” He dreamed up the idea of our whole church coming together to make gift bags full of fun stuff to be delivered to kids in the hospital. He asked his mom to set up a meeting with the Missions & Outreach Committee and pitched his idea. Marla Knight, one of the team leads, thought it was a great idea and suggested that we have a collection drive in January and deliver the bags as Valentines in February. Read on to learn how you can help make Valentines for Kids!

Are you ready to help?

  • First we ask that you surround the Valentines for Kids Project with prayer.
  • Through the month of January, we need your donations. Our goal is to make 120 gift bags for kids in the hospital. Austin put together a wish list of the things he would like to include: gift bags, small stuffed animals, snacks and other delights. Find the shopping list here. We will be collecting through Sunday, January 26.
  • Is there something else you would like to include? Maybe you lead a Scout Troop or other organization who would like to help by creating handmade cards? Perhaps you are a crafter who could whip up 120 tiny toys? Maybe you own a business and would like to support the effort with a gift. Reach out with your suggestions!
  • On Sunday, February 2 we’ll gather together after church to assemble the gifts to be delivered by Valentine’s Day.

Thank you, Austin, for dreaming up this new way to love our neighbors!

UPDATE: The Sew4Good group has committed to sewing 120 gift bags for our Valentines. Want to help? They’ll be meeting on Tuesday, January 21 to make them. Come to the third floor if you’d like help!

  • You don’t need to know how to sew – if you can use scissors or an iron, there’s a task for you!
  • The group has a pattern, if you would like to make bags at home.
  • Donations of fabric appropriate for kids (especially boys) is also a need.

UPDATE: Our Youth Group will be making handmade Valentine cards for the kids at Youth Group on Sunday, January 26. All students grades six and up, are welcome at Youth Group, Sundays at 5 pm.

When Your Child Is Sick

As United Methodists, we care about the health and well being of all people. In the Wesleyan tradition, the Christian faith is not a solitary journey. We are part of a larger community — our church families, our neighborhoods, and the world.  A core value of Brecksville United Methodist Church is Determined Service, we share God’s love by caring for others.

Resources for caring for a sick child: