Creating safe spaces to grow with God and one another.
Welcome to Brecksville United Methodist Church, an inclusive and affirming church on the square in Brecksville, Ohio. We may be over 200 years old, but God’s story is still unfolding in and through this community of faith.
No matter your age, gender, race, income level, sexual orientation, or ability; no matter if you’re an atheist, someone struggling with faith, you live with constant faith in your heart, or you’re somewhere in between; you are welcome here and you are invited to participate in the life of our church!
Here at BUMC we’re all about creating safe spaces to grow with God and one another!
We invite you to explore these pages and get to know us a little better, then join us for worship Sunday morning at 8:30 on the church lawn, at 10:30 in the Sanctuary, or on line – live or later!
Honest Worship
We invite everyone to participate in
worship authentically and holistically;
heart, mind, soul and body.
Joyful Gathering
We gather in an atmosphere of joy and
laughter as we share in the life God
offers us.
Lifelong Learning
We are unabashedly authentic in our
lifelong quest to grow with God and
learn with one another.
Courageous Inclusion
We whole-heartedly welcome all
people to come as their perfectly
imperfect selves.
Determined Service
We show God’s love for others by
meeting the needs of the whole person.