Save the date for the best week of the summer — VBS 2025 in the Park! We’ll meet Monday, July 7 – Friday, July 11 from 9:30 to noon. VBS 2025 is for kids from pre-school through grade six.

“The Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
Welcome to the best week of summer- Brecksville UMC’s Vacation Bible School.
This year we will have fun with Road Trip… on the Go with God, a super awesome VBS where children learn that they can trust God to be with us wherever we go! We will spend the week hearing about ordinary people in both Old and New Testament stories who found that God was with them on their journeys. Sometimes their journeys were filled with joy and people who loved them, and sometimes life took them places that were frightening or lonely. We will learn together that no matter how on course or how far off course we are in life, we can trust that God is right there with us!
The kids will experience these stories through music, drama and storytelling, games, arts and crafts, science, and even snacks. They will go on an exciting journey where they learn to trust God no matter what situation life brings, know that God is always with them, and learn ways to connect with God at VBS, church, home, and every area of their lives.
VBS 2025 has a new meeting location.
We were unable to reserve the Oak Grove Picnic Shelter so we are moving to the Blossom Hill Pavilion. It has been an awesome experience being outdoors in the wide open spaces and we are excited that we are able to do it again this year, even though it is in a different location.
Dates and Times
VBS will be the week of July 7-11 in the morning from 9:30 to 12:30 and is open to children, age 3 (and fully potty trained) to those entering 6th grade in the fall. If you have friends or family who you think will enjoy VBS let them know that registration will open April 1 and remain open until we reach capacity.
Cost for the whole week (tier 1) is $30-$45 per child (see tiered rates below). If you would like to volunteer (all 5 days) your child(ren) attend for free. Volunteers need to agree to a background check and participate in our Child Protection Policy Training.
Tiered pricing allows you to choose the rate that best fits your financial situation. The pricing option you choose remains confidential and in no way influences the experience your camper receives.
- Tier 1 is the rate we offer thanks to the generous contributions of Brecksville United Methodist members $30 (per child).
- Tier 2 is a partially-supported rate for those who are able to pay more than the Tier 1 rate. $30-$45 (per child) for this tier.
- Tier 3 is a rate that more closely reflects the true cost of the camp experience $45 (per child).
Giving with generosity helps us continue to live out our value of creating safe spaces to grow with God and one another and helps more families experience the best week of the summer, BUMC’s VBS!