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Facilities Manager
Facilities Manager Scott Hastings About Scott Hastings Scott Hastings is a graduate of Brecksville Broadview Heights High School. He completed the Sales and Service program at Cuyahoga Valley Career Center as well as the Building and Property Maintenance program. Scott is able to combine his service and property maintenance skills with his love for people…
Wiggle Room Supervisor
Wiggle Room Supervisor Matt Botzman
United Women in Faith Look Back
For United Women in Faith Sunday, the ladies took a look back at their journey of faith and service in the 2022-23 Program Year.
VBS 2023 – July 17-21
Save the date for VBS In The Park, July 17 – 21! Kids aged pre-school to sixth grade are invited to a week of fun in nature. Brecksville United Methodist Church’s VBS is a safe space where everyone’s gifts are valued, and every hero has a role to play. With games, crafts, science experiments, Bible…
Christianity’s Family Tree
Asbury Bremeth CircleA study group for women. Meets on the second Thursday of each month.Begins September 8 at 9:30am Have you ever wondered about other Christian denominations and what the differences in beliefs are? That will be the focus of this year’s Asbury Bremeth Study. All women are invited to join us for a study…
5 Ways to Cope with Mother’s Day Grief
Are you missing your mom this Mother’s Day? Here are five suggestions to help the day land gently. No matter how you spend the day, remember that God is with you and that you are loved beyond measure!
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