Melanie Smith

  • Basic Beliefs

    A Five Week Study. Sundays: September 15, 22, 29. October 13, 20. At 9:30 Did you know that The United Methodist Church began as a movement in England? John Wesley challenged Christians of his time to live out their faith in word and deed. In this five-week class, we explore how John Wesley’s challenge to…

  • Uncommon Wisdom and The Kindness Campaign

    Our current Sunday Worship Series, Uncommon Wisdom, focuses on the book of Proverbs, one of the books of the Bible known as Wisdom Literature. These scriptures focus on the practical choices we make in life and the consequences that flow from these choices. These writings teach us the enormous value of ordinary life and underscore…

  • Pastor Reports on Jurisdictional Conference

    “It does not yet appear what we shall be…” This was the refrain on Friday of the North Central Jurisdictional Conference, and it perfectly summarizes the spirit of the 4-day long gathering. Jurisdictional Conferences are gatherings of delegates from Annual Conferences in a geographical area. They meet every 4 years (a few months after General…

  • Do the Small Thing

    by Marla Knight, Missions & Community Engagement Team There is an old tale about a girl walking on the beach and throwing starfish back into the ocean. When someone asks her what she is doing, she states that she is saving starfish, and the person points out that she can’t save them all. She replies…

  • Brecksville Flea @BUMC

    Don’t miss the first ever Brecksville Flea at BUMC! Vendors are renting space in the church parking lot and Fellowship Hall in support of the Mission and Ministries of our church. What will you find there? There will be a concession stand with eats and sweets and many other surprises. All proceeds will help Brecksville…

  • Resources for Recovery and Mental Well Being

    Brecksville United Methodist Church is all about creating safe space to grow with God and one another. We are home to many recovery groups. Come to a meeting or call the church office to be put in contact with the group: Online and Face-to-Face Support Groups:Talking with someone else who has “been there” is incredibly…

  • All Saints Sunday

    Bells Ring on All Saints Sunday, November 3, 2024 The silence of a Sunday morning is interrupted by the tolling of a church bell.  The bell rings very slowly and repeatedly, with a moment of silence between each toll.  The sound is a reminder to pause and remember. On All Saints Sunday, United Methodists around…

  • Frozen Food Ministry

    Team Leads:  Matt and Kathy Auble  Background Strongsville UMC has been part of the Big Blue Bus hot meal delivery program for over 20 years.  They have built a relationship with the restaurants in Strongsville where each Monday they send volunteers to pick up unused frozen food from a variety of restaurants.  Each Wednesday, this…

  • Trials for Hope Work Day

    Trials For Hope delivers hope and comfort to those experiencing homelessness, seniors who can’t get out and about, and others living in poverty or experiencing food insecurity in greater Cleveland. Our Trials for Hope Work Days are an opportunity for hands on service, showing God’s love for others in a practical way.  Team Lead : …

  • Advocacy in the Church

    What problems in our community keep you awake at night? As Christians do we have a responsibility to challenge systems that treat people unfairly? Do you feel powerless to challenge the status quo? For the past 13 years, the Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC) has combined the power, resources, and influence of 36+ religious organizations in…