Melanie Smith

  • Mission Team Travels to Liberia

    Our own Janet Kleckner is part of a five member United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) team traveling to Camphor Mission Station, part of the Liberia Annual Conference in West Africa in July 2024. Almighty God, whose love for the whole family of humankind has been made known to us through your Son, send thy…

  • Town Hall Meeting – 2nd Quarter 2024

    Over 60 people gathered to enjoy a meal, hear from our Leadership Board and ask questions in our second Town Hall of 2024, which took place in Fellowship Hall after the 10:30 Worship Service on Sunday, June 30, 2024. The Joyful Gathering Team prepared a wonderful lunch, featuring three of our favorite picnic foods, according…

  • Bike Ministry Podcast

    Our own Jenny Gee was a guest on the East Ohio UMC Podcast, Storyboard! In this episode, you’ll learn about our and other bike ministries and how these ministries are transforming lives. Give it a listen! Learn more about the organizations featured in the podcast:

  • Report of East Ohio Annual Conference 2024

    by Barbara Sindyla, Lay delegate “…..but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles;they will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not be faint.”Isaiah 30:31 (NIV) “Faith, Hope, Love” are powerful words on which the 55th session of the East Ohio Annual Conference focused. Daily…

  • Congregational Care Team

    “Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority… Freely you have received; freely give.” – From Matthew 10 “Maxine” taught Sunday School for 40 years. She used to be the person everyone went to for help, but she isn’t able to leave her house much these days. With eyesight not what it…

  • SAS Update

    At Annual Conference this year, I was asked by Rev. Ed Fashbaugh, the East Ohio Director of Connectional Ministries, to share about how the Simplified Accountable Structure has impacted our church. I thought it might be helpful to share my reflection with our church community. When Ed called me about sharing, it was an immediate…

  • Our Presence Matters

    June 2024 It took some courage to walk up to our church’s booth at BBH Pride Fest and say “I’m kinda looking for a church.” The 15-year-old from Broadview Heights explained that she had been very active in her church her whole life, but after she came out as gay “They didn’t let me keep…

  • Sunday Welcome Stand

    We’re here to help! If you have a question on Sunday mornings, stop by our Welcome Stand and ask Anthy! First time visitors, Anthy is here to orient you to the building and answer your questions. We also have a gift for you, a Welcome Bag full of surprises and information. Be sure to request…

  • Ohio Artist Donates Recycled Metal Cross

    “I’m an artist who makes metal crosses for inclusive churches.” Steve Neff, of Lima, Ohio, arrived at Brecksville UMC with a resume and portfolio of his work last fall. Inside the folder were photos of some of the crosses he had created from recycled aluminum. In his retirement, Steve’s hobby has become creating and donating…

  • Community Baby Shower

    loving our neighbors