
  • Trials for Hope Work Day

    Trials For Hope ~  Team Lead :  Matt and Kathy Auble Trials For Hope Background Story Jonathan Gray is the CEO and founder of Trials for Hope, a small nonprofit group located at 41st and Bridge in the basement of Harbor & Bridge Community Center.  The goal of this program is to deliver dignity and…

  • Advocacy in the Church

    What problems in our community keep you awake at night? As Christians do we have a responsibility to challenge systems that treat people unfairly? Do you feel powerless to challenge the status quo? For the past 13 years, the Greater Cleveland Congregations (GCC) has combined the power, resources, and influence of 36+ religious organizations in…

  • Mission Team Travels to Liberia

    Our own Janet Kleckner is part of a five member United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) team traveling to Camphor Mission Station, part of the Liberia Annual Conference in West Africa in July 2024. Almighty God, whose love for the whole family of humankind has been made known to us through your Son, send thy…

  • Town Hall Meeting – 2nd Quarter 2024

    Over 60 people gathered to enjoy a meal, hear from our Leadership Board and ask questions in our second Town Hall of 2024, which took place in Fellowship Hall after the 10:30 Worship Service on Sunday, June 30, 2024. The Joyful Gathering Team prepared a wonderful lunch, featuring three of our favorite picnic foods, according…

  • Report of East Ohio Annual Conference 2024

    by Barbara Sindyla, Lay delegate “…..but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.They will soar on wings like eagles;they will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not be faint.”Isaiah 30:31 (NIV) “Faith, Hope, Love” are powerful words on which the 55th session of the East Ohio Annual Conference focused. Daily…

  • Our Presence Matters

    June 2024 It took some courage to walk up to our church’s booth at BBH Pride Fest and say “I’m kinda looking for a church.” The 15-year-old from Broadview Heights explained that she had been very active in her church her whole life, but after she came out as gay “They didn’t let me keep…

  • Ohio Artist Donates Recycled Metal Cross

    “I’m an artist who makes metal crosses for inclusive churches.” Steve Neff, of Lima, Ohio, arrived at Brecksville UMC with a resume and portfolio of his work last fall. Inside the folder were photos of some of the crosses he had created from recycled aluminum. In his retirement, Steve’s hobby has become creating and donating…

  • Shopping Bags to Sleeping Mats

    Collect Reusable Shopping Bags for the Un-housed One way we can reuse disposable shopping bags is to cut them up and weave them into sleeping mats to put a barrier between people who have to sleep outside and the cold hard ground. The Missions & Community Engagement Committee has purchased two looms, which will arrive…

  • Pull Tabs Wanted

    Those aluminum pull tabs from soda and canned foods may not seem like much, but in 2023, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Northeast Ohio collected 22,550 pounds of them – and converted them into more than $10,000 to help provide families with temporary housing to be near their children receiving medical care. Because of donations…

  • Leadership Board Update – June 2024

    Checking the Vitals At the May Leadership Board meeting we reviewed the first Vital Signs report of 2024. As we discussed at the Town Hall on Sunday, April 21st, the Vital Signs have been created to measure how well we are doing at achieving our goals for the year. The goals are: The Vital Signs…