Spiritual Trail Guide
Fall 2024 The mission of The United Methodist Church is to“make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.” At Brecksville United Methodist Church, we live that out by creating safe spaces to grow with God and one another. But what does that mean? How do we put that into action? As our…
Third Grade & Confirmation Bible Sunday
September 15 at the 10:30 Worship Service If your child is entering 3rd or 7th grade this year they will be receiving a Bible on Bible Sunday- September 15. It is a long-standing tradition in this church for children to receive their very own personalized copy. Let us know how you would like your son…
Basic Beliefs
A Five Week Study. Sundays: September 15, 22, 29. October 13, 20. At 9:30 Did you know that The United Methodist Church began as a movement in England? John Wesley challenged Christians of his time to live out their faith in word and deed. In this five-week class, we explore how John Wesley’s challenge to…
Graduation Sunday 6.9.2024
A Joyful Gathering Celebrating Lifelong Learning Did you graduate or complete a certification this year? Are you moving on from high school? Did you complete a college degree? Are you starting a career in the trades? We want to celebrate you! Tell us a little bit about your accomplishment using the form at or…
Lectio Divina
Mondays at 11:30 am, Summer 2024 Looking for a way to engage with Scripture in community with others? Join us on Monday mornings at 10:30 am in the Chapel (on the second floor) for Lectio Divina. Spiritual Director Jenny Gee leads us in this ancient practice of “divine reading.” Try it and see if it’s…
Summer Sprouts
Faith, Fun and Learning for kids from pre-school to sixth grade The focus of Summer Sprouts is on God’s remarkable creativity in nature. We encourage the children to use their skills of observation and listening to see and hear as much of the natural world as they can right around the church grounds. Children are…
Climate + Faith Prayer Walk – 6
Stop 5 – the R’s of Waste Management Being conscious of our daily choices is one way we can better care for God’s creation. We’ve all heard the phrase, “reduce, reuse, recycle.” What if we also “rethink” our consumption and “refuse” single use products? Could we “repair” what is broken? “Regift” what we don’t need?…
About Confirmation at Brecksville United Methodist Church
Climate + Faith Prayer Walk – 5
Stop 4 – Trees Why are we talking about trees? Trees are a proven, affordable, natural climate benefit. Planting a tree is something that can be done today to help pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. How do you feel when you are among the trees? Listen to this poem from Mary Oliver. READ…
Climate + Faith Prayer Walk – 4
Stop 4: Worship On the Lawn Many people say that they feel closest to God when they are in nature. More than 15 years ago, Brecksville United Methodist Church began hosting a worship service in God’s cathedral, outdoors on the front lawn of the church, on Sunday mornings from spring through fall. The experience is…