Faith Formation

  • Seedlings and Sprouts

    Small changes to our Faith Formation options for kids during the 10:30 hour As many of you know our kids are able to join amazing teachers up on the 4th floor after the Childrenā€™s Moment each Sunday.  Our preschoolers and Kindergarten children meet in Room 402 while our 1st through 6th graders meet in Room…

  • Spiritual Trail Guide

    Fall 2024 The mission of The United Methodist Church is toā€œmake disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.ā€ At Brecksville United Methodist Church, we live that out by creating safe spaces to grow with God and one another. But what does that mean? How do we put that into action? As our…

  • Confirmation

    About Confirmation at Brecksville United Methodist Church